Here is my latest experiment with all things doll: A 3-d wall hanging with a pretty little sculpted girl named Sadie.
As much as I love making larger, fully poseable dolls with limbs and proper clothes, they're very time-consuming. I like this idea of the wall hanging because it can be finished in a day or two, and it's satisfying to complete something relatively quickly (well, it was hardly quick, but not days upon days, either.) Sadie's made from paperclay and resin, glued to a 5 x 5 inch medium density fibre board (sort of like masonite.) She is embellished with lace and mohair and a tiny black bird, and the background is hand-painted. I love how she looks like she's caught in a wind storm! She's now in my Etsy Shop. I plan to make many more of these; here are some unpainted, bodiless faces:
Sort of spooky just floating and featureless like that, but they'll have personalities and stories soon enough. Any other doll-makers out there? I'm always amazed at how their characters just seem to develop independently; I don't think them up so much as they just come into being...