Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

Love Lies Bleeding

Dolls (Mine)Your Name7 Comments


This is a doll I made recently as a commission. Her head and lower arms and legs are polymer clay, and she has a cloth and polyfil body over a wire armature.


The lovely woman who asked for her wanted a doll similar to this one I made over year ago, named Bridget/ Love Lies Bleeding.  I got the name ('Love lies Bleeding') from the gorgeous flower, which my father has in his garden.  He told me he chose it from the flower catalog based just on its name, which I found quite touching...its a rather melodramatic name and my father is decidedly not a dramatic person, but he is a brilliant gardener and the flowers - though somewhat bizarre looking  - are beautiful.  Here is a photo of the original doll:


Below is painting also called "love Lies Bleeding" by one of my favourite artists, Rozi Demant.  Oddly enough, I titled one of the chapters in my book "Love Lies Bleeding" and have toyed with the idea of making it the book's title (assuming I ever finish the thing!)  I mused one day to  O. that if I had the money, I would commission Rozi Demant to do the cover.  Then, lo and behold, she came out with an entire series of paintings by the same name!  I took it as a sign that a) I MUST finish my book and b) Rozi and I are destined to be friends (don't think she knows that yet, though.)



And here is photo of the real live flower, taken by the very talented Kristen nicholas.
Check out her blog!


Finally, I'm including a short video by the band Arcade Fire, a Canadian-American hybrid band with all kinds of wonderful string instruments and an accordian player and lovely, lush orchestral songs but also can go unplugged as evidenced by this performance in an elevator.  Enjoy!