I have been away so long and am duly ashamed of myself! But in the meantime we moved house - our fourth move in five years. It was exhausting but we luuuurve our new apartment and are not planning on going anywhere for a very long time. (Has anyone ever read the diaries of Georgina Nichols books? They are the diaries of a saucy fifteen-year-old English girl and I always steal them from my teenage sister when I go home for Christmas. Anyway, she says 'lurve' for love and I've some how picked it up.) I also finished my second semester of my two year grad program - yay! I know have four luxurious months off from writing papers, marking papers and reading overwhelming quantities of literature (fascinating as it is, sometimes having to plow through 4 - 5 hundreds of pages a week takes the pleasure out of reading. I'm so looking forward to a summer of getting settled here, working on my dolls and general taking it easy. I plan to read nothing but PD James and spy novels until school starts up, and I neither want to hear, read nor utter the words aesthetic, paradigm, discourse for a very long time.
Anybody feel like going for a walk? Come check out my fab new neighbourhood, Point St. Charles (in the Wikipdia entry it says it was Canada's first industrial slum. Yummy! But that was a long time ago.) It's a little rough around the edges but it's got scads o' character...
Ahh...my laundry. Isn't it beautiful? Okay, the real reason I took this picture is because it's actually warm enough to hang out my laundry! It's SPRING!!! Even up here in the nordic tundra that is Montreal. Under that laundry line there is still snow, because we got so much snow this winter, there was a ten-foot drift in the backyard (backyard, people , I have a backyard! Well we share with the downstairs tenant but still - I'm psyched.) Ahem. Moving on...
Our alleyway! Yes, I'm even excited about the alleyway. We used to live on a major downtown street, but now we're on a little residential street and the backyard opens into alley through which we can bring our bikes and we can lock them in a shed on the backyard and don't have to drag them up a flight of stairs like we used to and wheeeeee! It's thrilling (probably only for me, I realize.) Did I mention I did all my errands on my bike today? Oh, joy.
Here is some of all-time favourite graffiti on the nearby train bridge that I walk under every day - aren't they sweet?
A beautiful church up the road. On the weekend we can hear its bells...so lovely. I had some fun with photoshop with these pictures:
I'll be back soon with the rest of the walk, and some pictures of the new dolls I've been working on. I tried to post a video below to make up for my dreadful absence, but it's not working and I can't delete it for some reason. Sorry to be a tease!