Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

Pretty Girls in their Party Dresses

Dolls (Mine), Ye Olde Shoppe UpdatesYour Name6 Comments

Some of these ladies look like they drink wholesome cups of hot apple cider while baking berry-filled pies; some clearly never get up before noon and live on cocktails, cigarellos and canapés...

Doll mosaic 1
These ladies all measure between 9.5 - 11 inches (24-28cm) except for little Luanne, who is 8.5" (21 cm).  They are all made from paperclay, with mohair/ wool wigs and scraps of vintage fabric for clothing.

Doll mosaic 2 w: text

If you're thinking of adopting one of these girls as a Christmas gift, please see Canada Post's suggested shipping dates here.

Ghys close w- text   Luanne close w: text

In addition to these dolls, I also have several new pendants and ornaments, which I'll post photos of tomorrow.  They're also mostly themed according to my interpretation of Christmas colours, with a tiny bit of pink and chartreuse sneaking in here and there.

Seated mosaic 1 w: text 

Seated mosiac 2 w: text

(Yes, that's a little bird nesting in Frazey's hair!  She obviously never let her mother comb her hair as a child and now we know it's true what mom always said; animals really will come live in your hair if it's messy.  Although my mother had a bit of a dark streak (surprise!) and she always said it would be rats...)

Cec sit w: text   Luanne sit 

All photos courtesy of Mr. L; we are now off to be-wig the little ornaments.  They're so dreadfully demanding....