Some of you have written to say that you're happy I'm back posting again. Other than 2 1/2 weeks in October, however, I haven't really been away. So if that's the absence some are referring to, I'm touched that it didn't go unnoticed. But a few others also wrote to say that my blog hasn't been updating in their google readers since August (!!) even though I've been posting fairly regularly since then. I contacted Typepad about that snag and it was hastily fixed, so thank you Petrina, for alerting me to the problem and my apologies to anyone who's been flummoxed, or wondering why I've been flaking out for all these months. I'm pretty flaky, but not quite that flaky. No doubt I did something weird to my blog preferences without even noticing; I'm definitely that flaky.
And while we're on the topic of webmastering (or my inability to do so) I finally took the massive (for me) plunge and joined Twitter. I have to say I've been pretty skeptical about Twitter for a while. I can definitely sees its potential to be really useful and entertaining (being clever and interesting in 140 characters is no small feat); on the other hand, I see its potential to become a place for any and all mental ephemera...whatever happens to be running through one's mind at the moment recorded for whomever to see. And when I've browsed through some people's posts, it has sometimes seemed like just that; pretty mundane stuff that, while we all experience it, I'm not sure why anyone would want to read about it. Or, in other cases, it seemed like reams and reams of pure, unadulterated self-promotion; while it would be disingenuous of me to pretend I have no interest in promoting my work, I guess I hope that's not all I'm doing. (It still amazes me that people read this little ol' blog of mine - I was worried when I started it that I wouldn't be able to think of anything worth writing about.)
But then I found some people on Twitter who truly manage to be both funny and informative, and I've decided to give it a try. I'm not marrying it just yet; just having a dalliance, hoping to drop a few bon mots its way, catch its eye, see if we have any chemistry. And I so while I'm a little red-faced even suggesting this, if you want to 'follow me' (come one - it sounds dirty, right?) you can do so by clicking on the little twitter icon on the right hand side under 'My Other Accounts' (just under my Flickr badge). My Twitter username is Blackeyedsuzi (no 'e') as sadly my preferred spelling has been usurped.
Finally, I've settled on this Sunday, November 8th at 4:00 pm for my next shop update featuring more of these be-sweatered ladies. This one will be smaller than my last, with 8 - 10 new dolls and a few new prints; as my thesis deadline approaches, writing takes up more and more time. But I will do one more before Christmas, sometime in early December.
I'm off to make to make dinner...Happy November!