Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

An Etsy Handmade Portait Video

Dolls (Mine)Your Name22 Comments

I had the very good fortune to be featured in this month's Etsy 'Handmade Portrait' video by the lovely and talented Ms. Tara Young, aka. weirdwolf

.  In the video, you can learn a bit about how the dolls are made, as well as see some beautiful  exterior shots of Montreal.  You can see the video in its original context here, or watch it below.

Tara also wrote a short article, and 

curated an art doll treasury to accompany the video, so I'm including these as well. Thanks, guys!  Thanks also to Espers for the beautiful music.

Canadian artist and writer Sarah Faber aka Blackeyedsuzie started making art dolls
while she was living in the woods of Maine, unable to legally work in
the States. Sarah tired of constantly being in her own head as she
worked endlessly on her first novel, so she decided she needed to do
something with her hands. She chose doll-making because she could build
on her experiences as a young girl, helping her crafty mother make
beautiful dolls. After buying some books Sarah started experimenting
with polymer clay, and eventually paper clay.

Blackeyedsuzie's style was influenced by her love for Gothic novels, Victorian and Elizabethan costumes and Dame Darcy's comic Meat Cake. Her dolls are infused with the same elongated, wide-eyed traits as the characters of Edward Gorey and Tim Burton.
However, Sarah's dolls have their own style: Victorian beauties with a
dark side — card sharks, bourbon drinkers, albinos and vampires...

Sarah doesn't necessarily consider her dolls to be Gothic, although
some are dark and contain elements of the supernatural or uncanny. She
considers them to be "Victorian, with a certain edge." The dolls'
descriptions tell tales of dire lives of Victorian England, but not
without a certain playful wink.

Doll treasury