Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

Legless, with Dresses

Dolls (Mine), Works in ProgressYour Name11 Comments

Thank you to everyone who offered sympathy and advice for my back woes - I've been much more careful lately, and doing more stretches, sun salutations and swimming (a little alliteration, all?) which have definitely helped.  And though I promise I'm no longer being careless, I have been working away quite hard on my Alices, as I really want this update to be my biggest and best.  There are reasons for this which will be revealed shortly, but for now I must remain cryptic... My last post was so crusty, and with such, sad, anemic little photos that I decided I had to post some better ones.

Wips group 

You might remember a post from a few weeks ago about some lovely vintage fabric I acquired: gorgeous candy-coloured silks, mostly organza.  I think I might have to convert almost exclusively to silk organza; it's crisp yet soft, and holds creases, pleats and shaping so beautifully, and it's very pleasant to sew.

Wips green Wip pale flowers 

I've also given these dolls underskirts with ruffles, and continued to include lots of texturing in the fabric, which I'm discovering is so much more fun than trying to work from a pattern. So my  Alices are turning out to be quite frothy little confections; I never used to like pastel colours, but I love these, and whenever I walk into my little studio, it feels light and airy and sweet as marshmallow.

Wips 2
I'm also working on some larger dolls, but they are still mostly just detached heads, torsos and arms, so I'll have more photos of them as I progress.  I hope all have a ruffly, candy-coloured week!

Head 1