Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

Fairy Floss in Shangri-La

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Still being stunned daily by the beauty of Cape Breton... I've come every summer of my life since I was a few months old and I never stop being amazed by it. Mr. L has been quite swamped with work, so I've been spending my days reading, making sandwiches, going for walks, rolling around in the grass with the cats (who are ecstatic, of course) and sanding tiny body parts. In the early evenings we head for the beach and watch the sun go down. With this luxurious pace of life, I've finally had enough time to make some progress on my ball-jointed doll; I'll share some photos of her in the next few days.  But for now, I have a photo of a little doll bust I gave Rebecca (you'll remember her as my dear, dear friend whose house we're enjoying so much) for her birthday a couple of years ago.  I remember being in such a mad rush to get the bust done in time the day of her party that I didn't have time to take a photo - in fact I ran out of the house with the glue still wet!  So here she is, looking all pensive and tragic:

Rebecca's bust 

In keeping with the pinkish-creamish-fairy-flossish colour scheme, I snapped these lovely, pale poppies just outside the door.  I'd never seen white poppies before, and not being a big fan of bright red flowers (but, paradoxically, a lover of poppies), I was delighted to see these appear the other morning.

Poppy 1
Poppy 2
And have I mentioned that I've started to feel the baby kick?  Such an amazing feeling, like having a little fish and butterflies and tiny kick-boxer in my stomach all at once.  It makes me laugh and nearly cry.  Is there really a tiny person in there? I still can't quite believe it...