Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

Happy 2015!

blackeyedsuzie5 Comments

So one of my new year's resolutions is to resuscitate this blog. I've said it before, but now I'm resolving to do it. Entirely different. I have myriad excuses - a toddler and a preschooler home with me full time, new (very old) house to fix up, stuff to make with what little time I have free, and a rural, satellite internet connection sometimes so painfully slow that I've taken to knitting while waiting for certain pages to load, especially if the weather is bad. But lots of people are busy and still manage to blog (though I'm convinced those people grow strong off the blood of virgins and never sleep) so I'm going to try. The blogging, not the blood.

Also, I live here: I have nothing to complain about. (Well, not in one of those crazy oceanfront houses, but near-ish to this beach. Another thing that has kept me from blogging in the past couple of years is that I feel like I've run out of ideas. Because … I have nothing to complain about. (Well, not in one of those crazy oceanfront houses, but near-ish to this beach. 

Another thing that has kept me from blogging in the past couple of years is that I feel like I've run out of ideas. Because I'm quite busy with the kids and am not creating as much, I don't have as much of my own work to post about, and am not keeping up nearly as much art and culture as I used to. I feel bit like an old lady trying to figure out all these new-fangled apps (I cannot even download Instagram, never mind use it) and I've only been on a blogging quasi-hiatus for two years.  So if anybody out there is still reading (I know I all but abandoned this little corner of the internet!) and has any suggestions for me, or questions, please do let me know as I'm determined to update once a week and would love some ideas. In the meantime, I'm googling for inspiration and wishing you all the best and warmest in the new year!  

x-mas tree 2013.jpg