Today I'm having a slow and lazy and rather haphazard Sunday: so far I've looked through the latest issue of Vanity Fair (a guilty pleasure that I usually get from the library due to the guilt of spending a small fortune on hundreds of pages of ads, but today sweet husband bought it for me); played with kittens; eaten alarming amounts of stinky cheese; complained about the heat several times (an act I like to think I've elevated to an art form) and listened to the family across the street screech for hours from their above-ground pool. (I used to think it was great that were having so much fun, but after a full summer of hours upon hours of screechy Mom, fighting kids, and someone who thinks making fart sounds is the height of hilarity, I'm starting to resent them a smidge.) Yes, it's that time of month and I am bloated and cranky, a joyless scrooge of summer.
This week I finished Babette and fell a little in love with her. I had planned to put her my shop, but I don't think i will. While I've made dolls for my husband and sister, I've never kept one for myself so I think little Babette will stay here and live on my shelf.
...Something about her big, smudgy eyes and petulant pout - I just can't imagine putting her in a box and sending her out into the world.
After almost five months in our new-ish apartment, I finally put my childhood doll collection up on the shelf in my studio. Like so many little girls, I had a China-doll fetish, and while these are not all of them, these are the ones that have survived in tact enough to not look like something out of a horror film. My mother made all their clothes, so of course they are very dear to me. Most of the wooden boxes on either side of them also belonged to my Mom, so it seemed like a good place for them to live.
I'm currently working on three new doll-type creatures. They won't be traditional dolls, but rather a deconstructed interpretation of some sort (what a lot of nonsense...I don't even know what I'm saying...too much cheese.) They won't have legs, and I'm thinking they'll be on stands, but they will definitely have heads, and arms of some sort (but maybe weirdo arms.) On will be the black & white film star idea I mentioned a while back. One has pink eyes, so I guess she's shaping up to be of the Albino persuasion.
Here are the heads, and more pictures will follow when I figure out what it is I'm doing with them. I see cage skirts, parasols, birds, sheer billowy fabric, maybe a cloche hat? What do you see?