I've been putting in pretty long hours on dolls for the past couple of months, but somehow neglecting to add more than a scant few work-in-progress shots several weeks ago. Well, they're all finished now. I had three days a week to work from home for a while there and I don't think I've ever been so focused in my life. My friend with babies have told me this and now I know it's true; once you have some time again, you don't waste it. There's no staring out of windows or procrastinating. You just go. So, here are several new ladies I was working on while it was still very March-y (cold and grey) even though we are suddenly experiencing unseasonably warm weather. I'll be posting a few more dolls/ busts in the next couple of days, as well as announcing my next shop update which will most likely take place some time this weekend. I'm sorry that I don't have stories for these yet - Mr. L is back to working full time (it's quite the roller coaster these days!) and I'm having trouble keeping my eyes open. Time is suddenly very scarce again, but I'll see if I can squeeze a few in before the update...