My husband and are both incredibly fortunate that we've been able to carve out jobs that allow us to work from home. We get to spend a lot of time with our kids and we were able to move to a rural, island community that we love, despite the fact that there's not a lot work here. Funnily enough though, we don't spend that much time all together as a family; we tend to switch off, each taking the kids for a few hours throughout the day so the other can get some work done, or chores around the house. We do this most weekends, because it allows for a more flexible schedule during the week. So this weekend, when my husband announced he was going to take the weekend off, it felt like such a luxury (though I'm well aware that what I've described above is already a luxury).
We did plenty of swanning about in our pajamas, drinking tea and ignoring the mess that seems to spew forth almost hourly from our kids' play. But we also went outside for some serious sledding and rolling about in the snow. It was so much fun that S., our two-year-old girl, had to be dragged into the house literally kicking and screaming after nearly two hours. ('Again. AGAIN!)' Herewith, a few photos of our wonderland: