I will be back tomorrow (day off from school! yippeee!) with a longer proper post, but I just wanted to post this notice about our sale (disgracefully late, but posted all the same!) Spirit of Dark Art is an Etsy street team that promotes gothic, fantasy and bohemian art. Check it out! I am offering free shipping today and tomorrow only (I'm extending my own sale by one day, since I am so late announcing it.)
Full Moon Sale
Presented By
The Spirit of Dark Art
Sept. 26th and 27th, 07Members will have discounts or free shipping,
maybe even free gift with
Check individual shops for details.
Visit out gallery at:
And while you are there, sign up for our
news letter for your chance to
win in our Day of The Dead drawing!!
Also, here is the latest listing in my shop, Tessa Prays for Rain. I posted a picture of her earlier when she was still on progress, but I think she looks much better now:
She's a wall hanging, and comes with a saw-tooth hanger attached to the back so she is ready to hang - no fuss, no muss, no framing needed.