Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

Faceless body, Bodiless face

Dolls (Mine)Your Name4 Comments

Here are a couple of things I'm working on; a new cloth doll, and what will be a larger paper-clay doll with (eventually) a cloth body.  I tried to give the faceless body her face yesterday but I just, wasn't satisfied so I painted over  it and she remains an enigma for the moment. 



I have, of course, a skirt to protect her modesty in due time:


I tea dyed the crocheted lace, which is the absolute best way to to take the harshness out of new, white fabrics and give them a vintage look.  Just brew up some tea and submerge your fabric - so simple, it seems like it shouldn't work!

A few days ago I saw the most beautiful, haunting short film by Jesper Just, It Will All End in Tears (which, oddly enough, is my father's favourite expression when my younger brothers and sisters and rough-housing.) But back to high art, you can see a photo-montage of still images from the film on his website, and I'm also going to include some here because it was just so lovely and sad (and has scary parts, too) I can't stop thinking about it.  (The fade in and out on the site, so the third picture is really a composite of two - very spooky and dreamlike, much like the film):







I feel like these images give you a sense of the film, although there
is of course much more to it.  There's also a short clip of a another film by Just on youtube called Something to Love


Can anyone tell me how to post videos on youtube on to a typepad blog?  Typepad isn't listed as a blog they support, but I'm sure I've seen typepad blogs with video links...

Must run...going to an art opening! (ladeeda!)  In other news, our bikes were stolen last night, so I'm trying not to be too depressed about that.






