Black-Eyed Suzie

Dolls. Words.

Girls with Antlers

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I have a few new pieces this week, some small comfort against the crreping feeling that I'm never getting as much done as I'd like. In homage to Halloween, Minka is bit of ghostly specter.  She has a rather punky hairdo - met she met her end in the eighties?  Minka sitting.square

Zoe got a new hairstyle this week (I just wasn't feeling her old one) as well as a new friend, also graced with antlers.  I know antlers have kind of been done to death, but I say  they're so old, they're new again!  Here are Lila Deer and refurbished Zoe... Actually, Typepad seems to be having some kind of meltdown, deleting all my pictures and going SOOOO slow.  I have to preserve what's left of my sanity and stop here for now!  Will finish this as soon as the glitch has passed...