I had so hoped to have some Hallowe'en dolls ready by now, but while I have a few that are very close, it will probably a few more days until they're ready to be photographed. They're just so vain after all! They won't let me near them until they look just so. (That's something my grandmother always used to say. And whenever she described how she'd cooked something she'd say things like, "then I cut it like so, and put it in the bowl like so". I miss you, Vovo!) I did manage to hand in three chapters of my thesis this week, but the dolls languish. So all of this is to say I got nothin' today, but I have been on the front page of Etsy a couple of times in the past two weeks, as well as in a Storque article, so I'm just going to engage in some shameless self-promotion for a moment...
In lieu of any new Halloween dolls, we have this lovely seasonal showcase. And the one below was curated by Esty's HeyMichelle, who was also the staff member who helped create Etsy's new Dolls and Miniature's category. (Yay! We dollmakers of Etsy have been working on that one for a while.)
There's an article on Etsy's blog, the Storque, which also features one of my dolls...I was honoured to appear there for the first time:
Now just so this post doesn't seem too horribly self-congratulatory, I also have good news on the kitten front. Of those five we've been fostering for the past two months (a mother and four gorgeous black kittens) we are keeping two and have found homes among friends for the mom and the other two! We are so please about this happy ending to our kitten saga because I knew I wouldn't be able to take them back to cages at the SPCA. All the adoptive parents are good, kind people who love animals - we couldn't have been more fortunate! Here are some pictures of the little dears...they're quite a bit bigger now, but just as cute. (And how much more Halloweeny can you get than four black kittens? We call them 'Coven' for short...)